
Pirate!SpainXPrincess!Reader - Part 12

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While you and Ludwig standing outside of the inn where your childhood prince friend stays at, Ludwig's standing front of you for your protection while you're gripping your sword from unpleasant nerve feeling and you made a long sigh.

"Ludwig, we both know that I hired you for our protection but I think it's the best that I'll go in first." you said when Ludwig turned his head to you.

"Are you sure?"

"I know my so-called future husband is. I know what I'm doing." you said when you putted on a hood over your head from black cloak that Vash lead to you. "Let's go and act natural." you took a step forward and opened the door while he's following. You both went inside and heard a laugher and chatter from top floor. You saw a landlady at the front desk.

"Excuse me. What's going on from upstairs?" you asked her.

"It's Prince Miguel! All the peasant maidens from our town and his men are celebrating for his welcome. I'm pretty sure that you're invited since you're here, even if you don't live here. I've never seen you before."

"I'm just visiting his relatives. He works for the prince. Is it okay if he can come along?"

"Sure. By all means. He's at very top. Please, enjoy and have fun, ma'am."

"Thanks. Let's go, Ludwig." you and Ludwig took the stairs to the top and the sound grew stronger and stronger when you're getting close to the prince's room. You stopped while you looked at Ludwig from corner of your eye. "I want you to think fast. He's might be smarter than me." he nodded and grunted. You grabbed the knob and turned slowly and opened the door and saw all the people are talking and laughing and mostly the all the girls are gathered in huge group of one.

"Found you!" you marched towards him, trying to get through but they're pushing and squishing you. "Excuse me...!" you muffled while they kept squishing you.

"Well, excuse me!" one of the girls scoffed while they released you and tripped but not on the floor, you saved your clumsiness.

"Oh? A new maiden?" a man's voice came out of his mouth. "You shouldn't treat this bella dama like that?" he took off you hood to see your face. "Lo siento."

No worries. Where I can find Prince Miguel?" you asked

"Are you blind?! He is Miguel!" one of the girls shouted at you.

"So, that's him." Ludwig whispered. You looked at Miguel for a minute. He's handsome prince but something's not right about him.

"You ain't fooling me, pretty boy. Let's go, Ludwig. It's not him." you walked away from him but he ran at front of you.

"Oh? Are you saying that I'm not the Prince? That's cold. How would you like I give you something warm?" he teased you.

"Get out of my way or else I have to make a sense. I know Prince Miguel and I know you're not him." you grabbed a sword handle and hear the people murmuring and stared at your direction. 'When I said 'I have to make a sense', that's not exactly what I have in mind...'

"Hey! What's going on, boss!" the man shouted.

"Take care of this maiden and foreigner." he said when you looked at Ludwig. You shook your head slightly and moved your eyes towards the phony prince.

"I'll take the girl." the man grabbed your hand and nuzzled it to his face.

"Bad move!" you gave him a felcon punch in his face while everyone is gasping and screaming. "Everyone! Move back!" you shouted at them as they did while his other two henchmen charge at you. You gave him kick in his face and you threw the other where the henchman landed.

"That was easy." you panted while smirking.

"What's going on?" the girl whispered.

"Who is she? She fights like a bull."

"I would say a demon."

Ludwig grabbed the "prince" before you fight his men while they groaned from the pain, trying to stand up.

"Don't bother to get up. She's the right one."

"Did you have a connection with this Prince Miguel?" Ludwig asked while he's still holding him.

"I might. Would you mind letting me go?" he made a slightly smirked

"Not until you take me to him!" you pointed a sword at him. "Where's Miguel?"

"I'm right behind you, tonto nina." you looked behind and saw another handsome man; the prince. The real prince. "Please excuse my cousin. Would you mind letting him go?" he asked when Ludwig let him go.

("That's the real prince?")("How does she knows that he's not Miguel?") people are muttering when Miguel is making an announcement.

"My good people, I am real Prince Miguel from Portugal. I apologize for my cousin's fibs and beauty and this room is reserve for me and this fine maiden only. I ask you kindly to leave and accept my humble apology." he required as everyone left the room while they're still muttering and staring at you and him until this room is empty and dead silent.

"Includes you two." he said referring to Ludwig and his cousin.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. I'm her bodyguard." Ludwig said.

"Ludwig, it's okay. Go home and get some rest."


"No 'buts'". you cut him off. "It's an order. I'll be back soon." you said while he made a sigh.

"Very well. Come home soon." he left and so does this good looking #2 and his henchmen.

"That's a surprise. I didn't know your cousin can be a quite a looker."

"And he's only 16." he grabbed two glasses from the cupbroad.

"That old? He looks older than that. And what do you think you're doing?!" you spotted him pouring wine on the glasses.

"Oh, do you prefer something else? Perhaps champagne?"

"We're under age, idiot! And I'm not marrying you, either, even mother accepted your request!" he chuckled

"You haven't change at all." he gave you a glass of water. "Don't worry. It's water. You must be tired after you creamed those men." you took the cup and drank it. "I heard what happen to you. That idiot pirate saved you from Kirkland and you stayed with him for almost a month. I came here to take you back."

"How did you know I was here?"

"The yellow cannery came to me with the message. So, I sent it back to your mom with my hawk."

"Is that so? But still I'm not marrying you and I'm not going back. I'm sick at living as a royalty."

"And your mother?" he said as you started to feel guilty about those words you said to her.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it! I hate you!"

"You look tired. You should get some rest."

"Come to think of it, I do feel tired. We'll talk about this later." you're about to head out when he wraps his arms around you and you jumped for surprise.

"Wrong way, mi princesa." he cooed into your ear as you started to feel shiver.

"What--what are you...?" as you about to fight him back but your body can't let you. 'What's going on? I can't move!' you started to get panicked. "What did you do to me?"

"Oh, I putted something into the water that you drank. All I wanted to see how tough you are when you fight against my drugs."

"Why you...!" you shouted at him but not very loud because the drug has kept pushing you. He nuzzled your chin with his fingers as he moved his hands to unbuckled the belt where the sword is attached.

"This sword..." He examined it.

"No...! Give it back, you..." you growled while you're keep fighting to stay awake.

"Still awake? Well then..." he picked you up in bridal style. "While you keep fighting, let's go to my room and talk, shall we?"


Ludwig entered Lili's room, seeing her awake and looking outside the window.

"Oh, Mr. Ludwig. Where's the princess?"

"She's staying at her friend's place. She'll be back soon. Are you well enough to go back to work tomorrow?" Ludwig asked.

"Uh-uh, as long you guys don't do anything to her." she giggled

"I assure you that won't happen when she gave us a nasty bump." he rubbed his temple where you hit him.

"Alright. I'm going to sleep now." she closed the window curtains and lay down when Ludwig exit her room.


"She's taking so long. I hope she's alright." Emma said.

"Yeah. I believe something's happen that made her upset." Densen mumbled while he's brushing his teeth.

"Ooh. I wish I could go with her to meet the prince. He's so beautiful." She sighed while she's making cat smirk.

"Be careful who're falling with. I believe he's no good. I can tell what princess' feelings. If he is, she'll creamed him good just she fought those thugs at maid café." he came out of bathroom and sat on the bed. "We should get some sleep."


"Oi, Feliciano! Tell Antonio he can use bathroom." Lovino asked while he's drying his face.

"Okay!" he ran out to get Antonio but all he ever could find is Gilbert, Francis and Vash. "Hey, where's Tony?"

"Probably he's playing stalker. What a bad boy he is!" Francis teased while he made a stupid laugh.

"If she finds out about this. I bet he'll feel extremely sore in the morning." Vash said. "I need to get going and see Lili's doing well." Vash exited their ship and went to his house.

"Hey, we should pick her up." Feliciano said

"Nah. That's his job. Besides, I wouldn't worry about them." Gilbert yawned. "I need to get some shut eyes. Let's have a breakfast where the princess works at again."

"Good idea. That place always cheers me up and Lovino too." Feliciano said

"How the hell that place makes me better? She almost killed me that night, remember?!" Lovino shouted at his brother.

"What?! But we like her cuteness, even she's a monster." he whimpered.

"Yeah. Don't lie to yourself, mon ami. Even Antonio thinks that too."

"Nah, it's her legs, remember?" Gilbert corrected him.

"Oh yeah."

"Anyway, good night."


Antonio waited outside at front of inn where you're at. He crossed his arms and tapped his fingers unpatiencely while he started to muttering himself.

"Geez. What's her problem? Acting high and mighty. All I did was a good deed to save her from that British scum Arthur." he sighed deeply that he can't stand it anymore. He went inside when no one's around, not even the front desk. He went upstairs when he stopped all the sudden, he felt something's not right.

"Que? Why do I get a bad feeling?" he continued to walk up the stairs when he heard voice from distance.

"Now, my dear princess. Since you still awake, how about we do" Antonio heard his words as he was in shocked and quickly yet quietly run upstairs.

While you're still awake but you're about fell into darkness while you can see Miguel sitting on your side of the bed.

"Mi...guel...when I get out...of this-" you said in weakly but you were cut off by his finger to your lips.

"Shh! It's okay. Just close your eye..." he whispers as he lean close to your lips until he jumped when he saw a Antonio breaking down the door.

"Who would dare to give you a permission to enter?!" Miguel shouted.

"My apologize for interrupting your night stand but your time is up." Antonio growled

"Why you..."

"If you're thinking about calling your guards and your pretty boy and his friends, they're just napping on the job."

"So, you're that pirate Antonio. Are you coming back for your whore?" he asked as Antonio picked you up while you're asleep.

"She's not mine...or any men who wants to marry her. But I know one thing what I'm to her..." Antonio said before he exit the room and picking up your sword. "I'm princess' idiot."

Miguel huffed and after awhile, he calmed himself.

'Hmm. I'll let them go...for now.'

While you're still asleep, you're trying to waking up when you feel someone is carrying you and hear footsteps. You opened your eyes half wide, you saw Antonio carrying you outside.


"Princess! Are you alright?"

"I told you come...why?"

"What do you mean "why'? We were worried and you two almost making love thing!" he scolding you

"Put me down. I can walk."

"No. You're too weak to walk. Beside, we're almost home."

"I said put me down!" you tried to shout it out but you're too tired.

"Fine, fine. Here's me putting you down." he setting you down while you're taking one step at the time but you stumble while Antonio caught you before you land on the hard floor and hear you snoozing.

"You stubborn little princess." he made a little chuckle while he lift you up again and going home at Vash's house.


While Miguel's hawk lurking around the ocean to find your mother's ship and still holding your message, it saw a Spanish flag while it's landing onto the man's arm and take message from the big bird and flew away. He open it up and read it until the end of sentences.

"Ah! So that's where they were." he folded the note and went downstairs where prison cells at when he scrunched down front of his prisoner while sleeping.

"Excuse me. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your slumber but this is for you." he slid under the bar cell when the prisoner picked it up and read it. "Oh, I'll be keeping those earrings that she sent it to you, if you don't mind."

"You---don't even think about..."

"That's right. The princess will be joining me and becoming one with me, Your Highness."

"I will never let you lay a finger on my child, Kirkland!"


I'M BAAAAAACK!!!!! I know everyone is waiting for me to come back to write more stories but now I'm back. I hopefully posting Hetalialand and Side stories of Pirate England tomorrow. Please enjoy and comments. Thank you for your patience

Note: Miguel is NOT Portugal

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